Title: Petrarch: the Self and the WorldEditors: Supriya Chaudhuri and Sukanta ChaudhuriDescription: An anthology of fourteen essays, with an IntroductionCover: Deeptanil RayYear: 2012Pages: 240ISBN 13: 978-81-86954-91-1Price: ₹ 495Contributors: Peter Hainsworth,…
Title: Thirsty SeaAuthor: Erica MouTranslator: Clarissa BotsfordDescription: Erica Mou's novel Nel mare c'è la sete translated into English by Clarissa BotsfordCover: Sujaan MukherjeeYear: 2023Pages: 254ISBN 13: 978-9383660694Price: ₹ 450
Title: Urban Utopias: Memory, Rights, and SpeculationEditor: Barnita BagchiDescription: This volume, the result of a collaboration between Utrecht University and Jadavpur University, comprises ten essays on issues of rights, memory…